Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I've left my bitchy emo-ness aside for a while. 

Time for something..




I started blogging since 15. It all began when my older brother and his fellow mates started blogging. I didn'r know blogging is that fun yet i lost the mojo after a while. Blame it to my childish thinking and amateur blogging wave.


After coming back as a blogger, i find myself still an amateur blogger. I blog with the most random stuff like what i'm typing here. As mature as i think i may be i'm still a growing teen after all. With those extremely indecisive ranging hormones and thoughts turned into a post(bahhh..i'm talking nonsense here.).

I really admire and envy towards those blogger that uses bombastic vocabulary to express their thoughts online. I always wanted to be a person which have great commands in English, specifically in writing. I love to read. I have quite a wide range of vocabularies but it's limited when i construct an essay or even blogging. I often use simple and direct vocabularies to express myself online which i find it pretty embarrassing due to the fact that people around me aware that i was brought up with English as my first language.

Some of them thinks that i'm cool because i have great commands in English. I contradict their statement about me as i don't find myself as a person who have great command in English. Consider myself an average person with the basic requirement of English to get through with life.

Being a person involved with science have always been in my dreams since young. Due to the fact of a wicked side of me thinks that people who involve their career in science are slightly smarter than others. I love the scientific term of each and everything. I even think the word homosapien is cool! Admiring doctor for me it's like dried food in the fridge. It's not fresh but it isn't expired, you just put them in the fridge to give them a longer life span. 

I have always prefer medical term compared to others. Because it doesn't sounds direct(to me at least.). Like doctors who deal with cancer are called Oncologist, spine doctors are called Osteologist, doctors of nerves are called Neurologist. Scientific names are so cool! Unlike business terms that sounds so blunt and uninteresting(no offence!). 

Once when i was having lunch with my mum in hospital after my medical appointment with Osteologist(i'm a spine patient.), i came across this two yummy doctors having lunch. They were discussing something about this cancer patient and they started to pour those cool scientific medical terms here and there. Already they are yummy looking, some more so smart and talk about scientific medical terms(orgasm.). I swear i moan(not literally larrr.) each and every time they came up with those names. It's like the language French. You find it cool but you don't understand it. 


I swear if one day if a decent looking gay doctor ever come after me. I'll die with no regrets! 


Okay. Enough of my fetish towards doctors now. I bet those doctors who ever read this post will grossed out!

I've been a very very naughty patient. Come inject me through my asshole(kinky!). 

Cheffy Ric

Ends here.


- a L E x - said...

Damn geli la the last statement :S

Little Fox said...

You should ask for a sperm enema. He'll know what it means :D